
(MCAL) Notification on Corporate Action "Advanced repayment" for VTB Bank (PJSC) ITN 7702070139 (bonds 6-38-01000-B-001P / ISIN RU000A103AW2)

Corporate Action Details
Corporate Action Reference 943248
Corporate Action Type Code MCAL
Corporate Action Type Advanced repayment
Earliest payment date 19 july 2024
Payment Date 19 july 2024
Record Date (according to the decision on the issuance) 18 july 2024

Security Details
Issuer Registration Number Date of Registration Сategory NSD Code ISIN Nominal value Current Nominal value Nominal Currency
VTB Bank (PJSC) 6-38-01000-B-001P 21 june 2021 bonds RU000A103AW2 RU000A103AW2 1000 1000 RUB

Redemption Details
Redeemable part in % 79.042 %
Redeemable amount in Payment Сurrency 790.42
Payment Currency RUB

If you have any questions related to this communication, please contact your account managers at NSD by telephone: +7 495 956-27-90 or +7 495 956-27-91.

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