
(CHAN) Notification on Corporate Action "Change - Issuance (additional issuance) report registration / notice" for LLC SFO "Rapido online" ITN 5406827827 (bonds 4-01-00765-R / ISIN RU000A108Q11)

Corporate Action Information
Corporate Action Reference 942520
Corporate Action Type Code CHAN
Corporate Action Type Change - Issuance (additional issuance) report registration / notice
Earliest payment date 11 july 2024

Security Details
Corporate Action Security Reference Issuer Registration Number Date of Registration Сategory NSD Code ISIN Nominal value Current Nominal value Nominal Currency
942520X81215 LLC SFO "Rapido online" 4-01-00765-R 16 feb 2024 bonds RU000A108Q11 RU000A108Q11 1000 1000 RUB

Corporate Action Details
Registering authority / organization that provided notice National Settlement Depository
Date of report registration / notice submission 11 july 2024
Start date of Placement 17 june 2024
End date of Placement 10 july 2024
Number of outstanding Securities in the Issue (in items) 12000

If you have any questions related to this communication, please contact your account managers at NSD by telephone: +7 495 956-27-90 or +7 495 956-27-91.

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