
(DSCL) Information disclosure for Mul'ti-Invest(Investment units RU000A105NU4)

Corporate Action Information
Corporate Action Reference 942326
Corporate Action Type Code DSCL
Corporate Action Type Disclosure
Corporate Action Date July 17, 2024
Record Date and Time July 10, 2024 (end of operation day)

Laws-in-place code: OTHR

Security Details (Investment Unit Details)
Fund Name Fund Type Management Company Registrar Registration Number Date of Registration ISIN/NSD Code CA Security Reference
Mul'ti-Invest closed-end OPERATING COMPANY "GPI", LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Joint-Stock Company "Independent Registrar Company R.O.S.T." 4036-СД May 07, 2020 RU000A105NU4 942326S30081

End date of receiving Information till 14:00July 15, 2024

If you have any questions related to this communication, please contact your account managers at NSD by telephone: +7 495 956-27-90 or +7 495 956-27-91.

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